Galaxy Z Fold 6 遭爆料全球銷量明顯比Fold 5減少,AI升級卻沒有讓消費者更想買單

Galaxy Z Fold 6 遭爆料全球銷量明顯比Fold 5減少,AI升級卻沒有讓消費者更想買單

三星在 2024 年的 Unpacked Event 上發佈了 Galaxy Z Fold 6,其使用者和科技界立即開始將這款新的可摺疊手機與其前代產品進行比較。不可否認,這家韓國科技巨頭在這一領域開創了先河,但它在這一領域繼續發展和創新的能力最近受到了質疑,許多人認為,最新的摺疊手機不僅與競爭對手相比,與上一代變體相比也是平平無奇。

最近,一位熟悉三星的消息提供者分享了 Z Fold 6 的全球銷售資料,從而支援了這些說法。與前代產品相比,三星 Galaxy Z Fold 6 的全球銷量明顯減少,這款產品被認為沒有留下持久的影響。

許多人對 Galaxy Z Fold 6 感到興奮,因為它這次融入了大量人工智慧功能,並被描繪成前代產品的重大升級。與 Galaxy Z Fold 5 相比,新的摺疊機型在設計上略有調整,由於手機比以前更短更寬,所以外觀更加方正,邊緣也更加扁平,但並沒有進行更為大刀闊斧的設計上的改革。

Galaxy Z Fold 6 遭爆料全球銷量明顯比Fold 5減少,AI升級卻沒有讓消費者更想買單

Galaxy Z Fold 6的售價高於上一代產品,因為它擁有人工智慧功能和強大的處理器,即搭載的Snapdragon 8 Gen 3,這與Galaxy Z Fold 5相比是一次明顯的迭代。儘管有了這些重大升級,Galaxy Z Fold 6 並沒有給人留下預期的印象。

根據知名爆料人 Ice Universe 的說法,儘管 Galaxy Z Fold 6 試圖以高階功能和強大的處理器標榜其作為新款可摺疊手機的獨特地位,但在頭兩週全球銷量僅為 27 萬部,與 Z Fold 5 相比,需求量要少得多。這可能是由於該機型缺乏核心設計變化、價格較高,甚至在人工智慧功能方面缺乏創新。也可能是由於

 iPhone 16 發佈在即,人們可能不會升級到 Z Fold 6,因為他們打算換成新的 iPhone 機型。市場相信,即將推出的 iPhone 16 Pro 機型將擁有新的AI功能,這有可能超越三星 Galaxy 的人工智慧舉措。





使用 Facebook 留言

3.  Samuel (發表於 2024年11月30日 21:29)
The Galaxy Z Fold 6 struggled with sales compared to the Fold 5, even with its AI upgrades. Many users felt the improvements didn’t justify the higher price. Platforms like abcya continue to engage users with innovative content, showing that value matters more than just upgrades.
Adam Elliott

4.  Adam Elliott (發表於 2024年12月16日 17:54)
The Galaxy Z Fold 6 seems to have had a tough time impressing consumers, even with AI upgrades. It's similar to how people prefer engaging games on platforms like [url=]crazygames[/url] sometimes innovation alone isn’t enough without user appeal.
Adam Elliott

5.  Adam Elliott (發表於 2024年12月16日 17:55)
The Galaxy Z Fold 6 seems to have had a tough time impressing consumers, even with AI upgrades. It's similar to how people prefer engaging games on platforms like crazygames sometimes innovation alone isn’t enough without user appeal.
6.  idlebreakout (發表於 2025年1月08日 22:31)
It seems that the Galaxy Z Fold 6 has sparked some mixed reactions since its release at the 2024 Unpacked Event. While Samsung has long been a pioneer in the foldable phone space, its latest release appears to have underwhelmed both users and tech experts. Many expected more significant changes in the design, but the Z Fold 6’s more subtle updates compared to its predecessor, the Z Fold 5, have left some people questioning its innovation. The inclusion of idle breakout AI features and slight design tweaks may not have been enough to excite the market, as sales figures have shown a noticeable decline. Only time will tell if this foldable will have a lasting impact.