兩名 Google 研究員最近在 arXiv 上發表了一篇論文,介紹了他們用神經網路搭建的聊天機器人。儘管這個對話機器人還沒有名字,但它可能是目前最聰明——思考能力最強的對話機器人。
Human: who is skywalker ?
Machine: he is a hero .
Human: who is bill clinton ?
Machine: he ’s a billionaire .
Human: is sky blue or black ?
Machine: blue .
Human: does a cat have a tail ?
Machine: yes .
Human: does a cat have a wing ?
Machine: no
Human: can a cat fly ?
Machine: no .
Human: how many legs does a cat have ?
Machine: four , i think .
Human: how many legs does a spider have ?
Machine: three , i think .
Human: what is the purpose of life ?
Machine: to serve the greater good .
Human: what is the purpose of living ?
Machine: to live forever .
Human: what is the purpose of existence ?
Machine: to find out what happens when we get to the planet earth .
Human: where are you now ?
Machine: i ’m in the middle of nowhere .
Human: what is the purpose of dying ?
Machine: to have a life .
Human: what is the purpose of being intelligent ?
Machine: to find out what it is .
Human: what is the purpose of emotions ?
Machine: i don ’t know .
Describe your problem: i am having issues accessing vpn
Machine: hi
Human: hello
Machine: could you please let me know what are the operating systems you are using ?
Human: i am using linux
Machine: ok it was in the ssl vpn on which you stated it was broken
Machine: please check if you are logged in to corp network
Machine: what is the error that you are running please
Human: i am seeing an error related to vpn Machine: what is the error message that you are getting when connecting to vpn using network connect ?
Human: connection refused or something like that
Machine: may i know the version of network connect you connect ?
Human: i am not sure i know that
Machine: is the network connect prompting for any user certificate
Machine: ?
Human: yes
Machine: are you at home or at work at the mo- ment ?
Machine: office ?
Human: i am at home
Machine: try this
Machine: goto <URL> page and enter your name and password
Human: done
Machine: try logging in with <NAME> and check if its working fine now
Human: yes , now it works !
Machine: great
Machine: anything else that i can help
Human: no , that was very useful
Machine: you are other than <NAME> : ) Machine: have a nice night
為了考察這些對話機器人究竟有多「像」人,還有一套考試系統以電腦的發明者圖靈命名。去年有一個名為尤金·古斯特曼的AI機器人系統通過了圖靈測試,因為 33% 的評委給出了「這傢伙是人類」的判斷。然而後來,又出現了大量的論文和媒體報導,試圖說明尤金根本沒有通過圖靈測試。
Google 的對話機器人還沒有進行過圖靈測試,不過它已經展示了對話機器人的可行性——當然,Google 也不是第一個嘗試神經網路對話機器人的研究單位了。
突然覺得有些人已經輸給GOOGLE AI了...
竟然還對 "答案不是42?" 感到不滿
> 看完這串笑個不停
> 突然覺得有些人已經輸給GOOGLE AI了...
> 一開始就有人給答案了
> 竟然還對 "答案不是42?" 感到不滿
> 這老兄的思緒似乎很漫長
> 幽默感啊大哥 機器懂得幽默就會回答42了
幽默感啊大哥 機器懂得幽默就會回答42了
嗯 ......