如下圖所示,可以見到Tiny RTC I2C 時鐘模組的外觀圖,模組採用DS1307晶片,若讀者需要更詳盡的資料,請參考拙作『Arduino投幣計時器(網路篇):Using Arduino to Develop a Timing Controlling Device via Internet』(曹永忠, 許智誠, & 蔡英德, 2015a, 2015b, 2015c, 2015f; 曹永忠, 許碩芳, 許智誠, & 蔡英德, 2015a, 2015b)內容關於RTC 時鐘模組。
▲圖 1 Tiny RTC I2C 時鐘模組
如下圖所示,我們可以參考時鐘模組之電路連接圖,先將電路連接完善後,攥寫與測試下列Tiny RTC I2C 時鐘模組測試程式。
▲圖 2 時鐘模組電路連接方式
我們發現,若裝設新的開發版或不同時間點設置新裝置,我們必須透過使用者重新設定時間,或是修改程式,因為RTC 時鐘模組的初始化時間是寫在Arduino開發版的程式內,我們必須重新編譯程式,並上傳程式到Arduino開發版,這樣是非常不方便的,
為了能夠上網,本文使用W5100乙太網路擴充卡(曹永忠, 許智誠, & 蔡英德, 2015d, 2015e), 主要特色是把 TCP/IP Protocols (TCP, UDP, ICMP, IPv4 ARP, IGMP, PPPoE, Ethernet) 做在硬體電路上,減輕了單晶片(MCU )的負擔 (也就是 Arduino 開發板的負擔)。
Arduino 程式只要使用 Ethernet Library 便可以輕易完成連至網際網路的動作。 Arduino Ethernet Shield 使用加長型的 Pin header (如下圖.(a) & 下圖(b)),可以直接插到 Arduino 控制板上 (如下圖.(c) & 下圖.(d) & 下圖.(e)),而且原封不動地保留了 Arduino 控制板的 Pin Layout,讓使用者可以在它上面疊其它的擴充板(如下圖.(c) & 下圖.(d) & 下圖(e))。
比較新的 Ethernet Shield 增加了 micro-SD card 插槽(如下圖.(a)),可以用來儲存檔案,你可以用 Arduino 內建的 SD library 來存取板子上的 SD card。
(f).網路接線圖▲圖 3 Ethernet Shield(W5100)
首先,組立W5100 以太網路模組是非常容易的一件事,如下圖所示,只要將W5100 以太網路模組堆疊到任何Arduino開發板之上就可以了。
▲圖 4 將Arduino開發板與W5100 以太網路模組堆疊組立
之後,在將組立好的W5100 以太網路模組,如下圖所示,只要將USB線差到Arduino開發板,再將RJ 45的網路線一端插到W5100 以太網路模組,另一端插到可以上網的集線器(Switch HUB)的任何一個區域網路接口(Lan Port)就可以了(曹永忠, 許智誠, et al., 2015d, 2015e)。
▲圖 5接上電源與網路線的W5100 以太網路模組堆疊卡
我們將Arduino 開發板的驅動程式安裝好之後,我們打開Arduino 開發板的開發工具:Sketch IDE整合開發軟體,攥寫一段程式,如下表所示之網路校時測試程式,我們就可以透過W5100 以太網路模組堆疊卡取得網路校時時間。
表 1網路校時測試程式
/*Udp NTP Client
Get the time from a Network Time Protocol (NTP) time server
Demonstrates use of UDP sendPacket and ReceivePacket
For more on NTP time servers and the messages needed to communicate with them,
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_Time_Protocolcreated 4 Sep 2010
by Michael Margolis
modified 9 Apr 2012
by Tom IgoeThis code is in the public domain.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <EthernetUdp.h>// Enter a MAC address for your controller below.
// Newer Ethernet shields have a MAC address printed on a sticker on the shield
byte mac[] = {
0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF
IPAddress ip(192, 168, 2, 200); //fix ip
IPAddress dnServer(168, 95, 1, 1); //dns ip
// the router's gateway address:
IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 2, 1); //gateway ip
// the subnet:
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); //sub mask
unsigned int localPort = 8888; // local port to listen for UDP packetschar timeServer[] = "time.nist.gov"; // time.nist.gov NTP server
const int NTP_PACKET_SIZE = 48; // NTP time stamp is in the first 48 bytes of the message
byte packetBuffer[ NTP_PACKET_SIZE]; //buffer to hold incoming and outgoing packets
// A UDP instance to let us send and receive packets over UDP
EthernetUDP Udp;
int Ntpyr,Ntpmon,Ntpday,Ntphr,Ntpmin,Ntpsec ;void setup()
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
// start Ethernet and UDP
if (Ethernet.begin(mac) == 0) {
Serial.println("Failed to configure Ethernet using DHCP");
// no point in carrying on, so do nothing forevermore:
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, dnServer, gateway, subnet);}
}void loop()
sendNTPpacket(timeServer); // send an NTP packet to a time server// wait to see if a reply is available
if ( Udp.parsePacket() ) {
// We've received a packet, read the data from it
Udp.read(packetBuffer, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); // read the packet into the buffer//the timestamp starts at byte 40 of the received packet and is four bytes,
// or two words, long. First, esxtract the two words:unsigned long highWord = word(packetBuffer[40], packetBuffer[41]);
unsigned long lowWord = word(packetBuffer[42], packetBuffer[43]);
// combine the four bytes (two words) into a long integer
// this is NTP time (seconds since Jan 1 1900):
unsigned long secsSince1900 = highWord << 16 | lowWord;
Serial.print("Seconds since Jan 1 1900 = " );
Serial.println(secsSince1900);// now convert NTP time into everyday time:
Serial.print("Unix time = ");
// Unix time starts on Jan 1 1970. In seconds, that's 2208988800:
const unsigned long seventyYears = 2208988800UL;
// subtract seventy years:
unsigned long epoch = secsSince1900 - seventyYears + 8 * 60*60 ;
// print Unix time:
Ntphr = (epoch % 86400L) / 3600 ;
Ntpmin = (epoch % 3600) / 60 ;
Ntpsec = epoch % 60 ;
// print the hour, minute and second:
Serial.print("The Taiwan time is "); // UTC is the time at Greenwich Meridian (GMT)
Serial.print(print2digits(Ntphr)); // print the hour (86400 equals secs per day)
Serial.print(print2digits(Ntpmin)); // print the minute (3600 equals secs per minute)
Serial.print(':');Serial.println(print2digits(Ntpsec)); // print the second
// wait ten seconds before asking for the time again
}// send an NTP request to the time server at the given address
unsigned long sendNTPpacket(char* address)
// set all bytes in the buffer to 0
memset(packetBuffer, 0, NTP_PACKET_SIZE);
// Initialize values needed to form NTP request
// (see URL above for details on the packets)
packetBuffer[0] = 0b11100011; // LI, Version, Mode
packetBuffer[1] = 0; // Stratum, or type of clock
packetBuffer[2] = 6; // Polling Interval
packetBuffer[3] = 0xEC; // Peer Clock Precision
// 8 bytes of zero for Root Delay & Root Dispersion
packetBuffer[12] = 49;
packetBuffer[13] = 0x4E;
packetBuffer[14] = 49;
packetBuffer[15] = 52;// all NTP fields have been given values, now
// you can send a packet requesting a timestamp:
Udp.beginPacket(address, 123); //NTP requests are to port 123
Udp.write(packetBuffer, NTP_PACKET_SIZE);
}String print2digits(int number) {
String ttt ;
if (number >= 0 && number < 10)
ttt =String("0")+String(number);
ttt =String(number);
return ttt ;
}String print4digits(int number) {
String ttt ;
ttt =String(number);
return ttt ;
▲圖 6網路校時測試程式結果畫面