《量子裂痕》由Remedy Entertainment與Microsoft Studios攜手合作,於4/5在Xbox One與PC端同步上市,在首週就在Xbox One平台創下紀錄,成為Xbox One平台上最暢銷的Microsoft Studios全新作品,同時也是當週全球Xbox平台上最多人玩的遊戲。
不過,雖然在Xbox One上取得成功,但開發商Remedy遊戲工作室也承認,在PC版的《量子裂痕》存在有一些問題,像是包括遊戲的畫面更新率會有卡頓的現象,以及在PC上性能表現不佳、有些玩家不喜歡遊戲的影片膠片效果但無法關閉這個效果、不支援多顯卡Crossfire技術等問題。
而繼Xbox One發出更新檔案之後,PC版的《量子裂痕》在前兩天也開始發出了1.7.0.0版的更新。根據廠商表示,他們盡力希望滿足所有玩家的要求,這次的更新主要是加入了大多數人要求的遊戲結束按鈕、可以關閉影片膠片效果。此外,還包含了之前在Xbox One中修正的所有問題。
不幸的是,由於《量子裂痕》採用的遊戲引擎先天的限制,他們表示對於支援Crossfire技術已經超出了他們的能力範圍,但是他們仍然在與顯示卡廠商協商,希望能找出解決的辦法。此外,一些遊戲卡頓的問題,他們說明原因之一可能是出在Windows 10的記憶體管理的問題,畫質調的越高越可能造成遊戲的當機,關於這部分他們也與微軟合作,可能會在未來微軟推出的更新裡頭修正。
- Added additional graphics options
- Added Quit Button to Main Menu
- Alt+Enter now toggles full screen mode
- Fixed rare instances of cloud saves failing and causing loss of progress
- Fix for a rare bug that accidentally wiped progress after completing the game
- Fixed aspect ratio and full screen scaling for non 16:9 resolutions
- Fixed resolution selection when transitioning from windowed to fullscreen mode
- Fixed frame timing not matching the refresh rate
- General Performance Improvements
- Unlock descriptions for Will Diary 1 and Will Diary 2 are no longer reversed
- Fixed Jack's subtitles not showing in some cinematics
- Fixed various keyboard input issues
- Fixed in game TV screen images which were sometimes grainy
- Fixed circular progress bar alpha in the junction stats screen
- Fixed options menu items being clickable even if they're cropped
- Fixed 1 px gaps sometimes visible in the PC keyboard key callout backgrounds
- Fixed rendering issues in the menus
- Fixed video playback not always ending if the video was synced to audio
- Fixed issue in renderer when initializing participating media
- Fixed missing line in Portuguese audio in an Act 5 cinematic
- Act 2 Part 1: Fixed Nick pathing issues
- Act 2 Part 3: Added collision on time machine corridor to prevent player's accidentally falling to their death
- Act 5: Fixed last subtitle going by too quickly to read