華人市場最重要設計獎項「金點設計獎」,評選結果於日前公布,旗艦電競領導品牌AORUS全球首創「AORUS X7電競電腦100%稻殼環保包裝」榮獲大會評審肯定、勇奪獎章,並將角逐年底的年度設計大獎。
AORUS X7環保包裝採用100%稻殼製成,在天然環境下可全分解,達成全程零汙染;包裝更經過嚴格的落下、震動、高溫高濕等測驗,確保完整保護AORUS X7電競筆電。本次獲得大獎肯定,更加強AORUS綠色企業的決心,邀請全球玩家共同捍衛自然,為地球盡一份心力。
「金點設計獎」成立至今已走過35年歷史,成為華人市場最重要的設計獎項,備受專業人士肯定。「AORUS X7電競電腦100%稻殼環保包裝」從3,000多件參賽產品中脫穎而出,勇奪「金點設計獎」獎章,並將角逐年底的年度設計大獎。
AORUS秉持集團綠色企業精神,延續企業精神「創新科技,美化人生」之宗旨,積極研發環保材質,推出全球首創「AORUS X7電競電腦100%稻殼環保包裝」。本包裝以稻穀為材料、以澱粉為黏著劑,講求100%以可回收環保材質打造;在天然環境下約1~2年即可完全分解,分解過程零汙染,跟同級塑料相比較可減少50%碳排放量。此外,環保包裝經過落下、震動、耐磨及高溫高濕等嚴格環境測試,確保包裝發揮功能,完整保護AORUS X7電競筆電;包裝外型簡單大方,不過度包裝、設計不失細節,期待忠實將AORUS綠色企業永續經營之理念傳達給玩家,並邀請玩家共同為地球努力。
AORUS X7電競筆電 與您共同捍衛自然
AORUS X7電競筆電搭載可超頻的Intel® Core™ i7-7820HK及重度玩家級顯示晶片 NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1070/ 1080,效能超群;音效部分採用ESS DAC,提供玩家細節清晰、最純淨的聽覺,搭配X-Rite™ Pantone® 認證面板,X7電競筆電將帶給玩家有別以往的影音享受!極致電競效能濃縮於22.9mm薄機,AORUS X7電競筆電絕對是玩家最強的行動裝備!目前AORUS系列筆電僅X7搭配環保包裝,預計未來其他機種將陸續導入,期待能與玩家一同為環保共盡心力。
AORUS takes its name from Horus, the ancient god of war that symbolizes bravery and wisdom. AORUS comes to infuse the ultimate power in gamers and lead gamers to his own honorable victory. The logo of AORUS embodies the speed and power of an eagle, as how it is in the performance of each AORUS products. The eagle badge symbolizes a pure blend of explosiveness despite calmness, precision beyond excellence, and rapid reaction against pressure. All characterize champions in any type of competition throughout generations. Combining the unprecedented functionality, sensational performance and aesthetically original design, AORUS challenges the existing merits with utmost innovation and is destined to be an unforgettable scene in the gaming history. The full range of AORUS products have been and will always be designed bearing in mind those that seek the highest fulfillment in gaming with the highest performance gaming gears can offer
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