以作業系統清理軟體而言,CCleaner 是個能夠徹底清除無效資料,又能夠保持系統穩定的好用軟體,只可惜開發商 Piriform 自從被 Avast 收購之後,似乎漸漸地產生質變,不僅預設勾選安裝自家防毒軟體、收集使用資訊,最新版 5.45 甚至不給關閉選項。
不少使用者在作業系統裡都會安裝一套系統最佳化軟體,Piriform 開發的 CCleaner 為眾所喜愛的軟體之一。依據筆者經驗,CCleaner 能夠在保持作業系統穩定運作的前提之下,盡量清除作業系統經過長時間使用的無效檔案與多餘的登錄資訊,甚至也有第三方提供 winapp2.ini 檔案,能夠讓 CCleaner 清除更深層的無效資料。
事情在 Avast 買下 Piriform 之後逐漸出現變化,CCleaner 安裝檔案預設勾選安裝 Avast 免費版防毒軟體,也會與 Piriform 分享程式運作資料。若是使用者沒有將「隨作業系統啟動」取消,時不時還可以在右下角看到彈出式視窗廣告。當然,Avast 買下 Piriform 自然是看上廣大的使用者基數,能夠為自己帶來可觀的收益利潤,但是最新 5.45 版似乎做得太過火,甚至不提供程式關閉選項。
▲自從 Avast 賣下 Piriform 之後,CCleaner 安裝程式都會夾帶免費防毒軟體。
▲CCleaner 5.45 版甚至不提供關閉選項,逼得使用者請出工作管理員。
買下 Piriform 的 Avast 聽到了使用者的怒火,廠商表示收集的資訊全部不包含能夠識別身分的資訊,僅收集匿名資料作為改善程式用途。廠商表示下一版將會聽取使用者的意見,將清理功能從分析報告分離,並會提供更多的使用者可控制項目,讓使用者決定 CCleaner 關閉之後,願意提供何種資訊收集資料。
"As part of our ongoing mission to improve CCleaner and deliver a better customer experience, we introduced some features in Version 5.45 aimed at providing us with more accurate data that would help us to detect bugs more quickly and let us know which CCleaner features are being used and which aren't.
The information which is collected through these new features is aggregated, anonymous data and only allows us to spot trends. This is very helpful to us for the purposes of improving our software and our customers' experience. No personally identifiable information is collected.
We value the feedback from our users and are currently working on our next version of CCleaner which will separate out cleaning functionality from analytics reporting, and offer more user control options which will be remembered when CCleaner is closed.
In the interests of transparency, we'll also share a fact sheet outlining what data we collect, its purpose and how it is processed. We're also taking the opportunity to redesign the data settings within CCleaner so they are communicated in a clear and easy to understand way. Building and testing software sometimes takes a little time to get right, but we are working hard to release our next version as soon as possible."
▲目前免費版本移除了隱私分頁下的選項,但 Avast 承諾會在下一版重新加入。
Warning: DO NOT install the latest version of CCleaner [Updated]
Avast responds to CCleaner controversy