110 年指考進入倒數 30 天,為協助考生爭取最後衝刺機會,Snapask 時課問邀請擁有豐富教學經驗、熟稔大考題型的Rose 英文老師,分享指考作文的六大技巧。
Rose 老師指出,Snapask 分析歷屆學生寫作範文後發現,英文指考多為論說文體,
- 清楚表達出自己對於題目要求論述的現象或觀點,
務必在第一段最後開門見山點出自己的立場。 - 舉出至少兩個強而有力的例子來驗證自己想法,
提高論述內容的說服力。 - 在結尾論述時,再次強調自己的立場與論點,
Rose 老師以今年「疫情下的遠距學習」熱門議題為例,
The outbreak of coronavirus has drawn international attention as the virus spreads from country to country. Moreover, it has caused a significant effect on how people learn because of coronavirus restrictions released by the governments, which limit the number of people in a gathering.
From my perspective, distance learning can not only bring convenience to students but also keep students and teachers safe.
Take myself as an example, I don’t need to commute between my school and home or bring lots of books with me, which is time-saving and effortless for me. Additionally, I can just stay at home, listening to the lectures without going out, which decreases the amount of time that I have to interact with others and lowers the possibility of contracting the virus.
While the coronavirus brings lots of inconvenience to us, it still gives us a chance to have a new way of learning, which is distant-learning. Overall, this novel way of education enables us to save time on commuting from place to place and prevents us from being exposed to an environment full of viruses.
活用詞彙和句型 、轉折語、援引名言佳句,讓文章程度高人一等
distance learning can not only remain the learning process for students but also keep students and teachers safe 可以利用倒裝作法改成 not only can distance learning remain the learning process for students, but it can also keep students and teachers safe,如此一來便能增加文章的變化。
As the saying goes, “In the face of adversity, we have a choice. We can be bitter, or we can be better.”