A day with Google ,有人數限制,到那邊碰壁沒號碼排了,問題是我不一定要體驗,只想看看裡面有甚麼。
Google If you can see this information, please allow visitor who just want to see what's inside ,although you cab experience with Google ,but in fact visitor can not even entry cause of the limited visitor!
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A Day with Google:體驗 Google 雲端生活空間,協助每日食衣住行需求、還能抽 Nexus 7
A day with Google ,有人數限制,到那邊碰壁沒號碼排了,問題是我不一定要體驗,只想看看裡面有甚麼。 人數限制要讓每個人都體驗到每個項目,這樣很好,但是如果有人從大老遠跑來卻連進去,以觀察的角度來體驗的機會都沒有!!! Google If you can see this information, please allow visitor who just want to see what's inside ,although you cab experience with Google ,but in fact visitor can not even entry cause of the limited visitor!