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Tesla Model S果真是全美有史以來最安全的車?NHTSA:那是他說的,不是我說的!

Tesla Model S果真是全美有史以來最安全的車?NHTSA:那是他說的,不是我說的!

NHTSA在 Tesla發佈了慶功新聞稿之後的三天,也發表了一篇說明,表示:「NHTSA對於五星評定的聲明」。

「NHTSA does not rate vehicles beyond 5 stars and does not rank or order vehicles within the star rating categories.」。


意思就是:根本就沒有什麼 5.4星的玩意兒。

以下是 NHTSA的官方消息原文
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is committed to improving safety on the nation's roadways and helping motorists make informed decisions about new or used vehicles they are considering purchasing. The agency's 5-Star Safety Ratings program is designed to provide consumers with information about the crash protection and rollover safety of new vehicles beyond what is required by Federal standards. One star is the lowest rating; five stars is the highest. More stars equal safer cars. NHTSA does not rate vehicles beyond 5 stars and does not rank or order vehicles within the star rating categories. In addition, the agency has guidelines in place for manufacturers and advertising agencies to follow to ensure that accurate and consistent information is conveyed to the public.

Tesla Model S果真是全美有史以來最安全的車?NHTSA:那是他說的,不是我說的!

另外,NHTSA在他們官網也有針對汽車製造商的廣告,有些建議的規範,例如 NHTSA就反對使用一些可能誤導消費者的詞語,像是「完美的(perfect)、最安全的(safest)、完美無瑕的(flawless) 」;或者是「同級之最」(best in class),來描述汽車所獲得的安全等級。

Tesla Model S果真是全美有史以來最安全的車?NHTSA:那是他說的,不是我說的!

就目前來說,Model S通過的是 NHTSA的撞擊測試,在美國也還有 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety(公路安全保險協會,IIHS)可以進行撞擊測試,而這個單位也還沒有對 Model S做測試。包括歐洲的 Euro-NCAP,Model S也還沒有取得該地區的撞擊測試成績。


消息、圖片來源:ConsumerReports車雲網 by王珺NHTSA


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